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28.02.2021 Thunderbird for Windows PC - Learn how to download and install the Thunderbird 68.5.0 (64-bit) application on your Windows 10/8/7 PC for free. A free email Windows Offline filesize: 69.74 MB : Instructions: Windows Offline (64-bit) filesize: 79.68 MB : Instructions: If you use 32-bit and 64-bit browsers interchangeably, you will need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java in order to have the Java plug-in for both browsers. » FAQ about 64-bit Java for Windows Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features! Mozilla doesn't have a release version of Firefox 64-bit for Windows operating systems. Mozilla does have Nightly alpha-level 64-bit versions for Windows, but currently they are generated to only verify that Nightly channel changes aren't being broken on 64-bit versions of Windows. Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser.
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