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Darüber hinaus wird diese Software sehr häufig auf Computern von HP, Dell und anderen Herstellern vorinstalliert. In manchen Fällen wird dieses Tool zusammen mit Winamp-Plugins gebündelt. Weil diese Software Gamigo Inc (trade name: WildTangent) is an American game services company based in Bellevue, Washington. It provides services to several PC manufacturers, including Dell and HP. Collectively, WildTangent’s owned and operated service reaches over 20 million monthly players in the United States and Europe with a catalog of more than 1,000 games from nearly 100 developers. Good afternoon Windows Community, Has WildTangent games been phased out? They used to be available on my PC but are no longer. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 1,642,800 bytes (11% of all occurrences), 1,582,384 bytes and 36 more variants.
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