

Game of Thrones hit the ground running in Season 6, and it's led to the best year the show has ever given us. How has it done this though? We dig in. It’s been a crazy run over almost six full seasons of Game of Thrones. We’ve seen beloved

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It has dragons and swords and it could really be something someday. It has a lot of potential. Here's where they'r Season 8 of Game of Thrones is still a ways off. But that also that means there is plenty of time to study the wildest theories fans have come up with -- and maybe do a little speculating of your own.

We serve the curious and believe that new experiences are what drive the rich lives. We bring our passion, expertise, and taste to the things that are truly worth your time Daenerys got stuck to a toilet. Daenerys got stuck to a toilet. BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff Are you ready to take your place on the Iron Throne?